Who We Are

Diversity is the core value that we are proud to have. Our teams come from various backgrounds, in terms of gender identity, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic, economic and educational background.

Angela Frenzia Betyarini, S.S., M.A


Culture and Media Studies - University of Gadjah Mada

Lia Ratna, S.Pd

Financial Manager

English Education - Mahasaraswati University

Casamira Gitta Prasetyo, S.Si


Marine Science - Udayana University

Pritania Savitri, S.S

Coordinator of Human Rights Studies

Education, Gender, and International Development - University College London

Rickdy Vanduwin, S.P

Research Officer

Climate Studies - Wageningen University & Research

Dianty Widyowati Ningrum, S.Sos., M.Sc

Research Officer

Monash Sustainable Development Institute - Monash University

I Gusti Agung Ayu Brenda Yanti, S.Sos

Social Media Officer

Sociology - University of Gadjah Mada

Aurelia Evelyne Huang

Graphic Designer

Visual Communication Design - STD Bali

Anton Alem Rachman, S.M

Program Officer

Management - Airlangga University

Tri Indah Oktavianti, S.Sos

Program Officer

International Relations - University of Jember